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S & S Insurance Services, Inc. Blog

How Often Should I Update My Home Insurance Policy (the Answer Might Surprise You)

Homeownership is a dream for many, providing stability, security, and comfort. That’s why it’s so important to have home insurance to protect that stability and comfort. At S & S Insurance Services Inc., we help people in and around the greater Oklahoma City, OK, area protect their homes and everything they represent. Keeping your home insurance policy current is crucial, but how often should homeowners update their home insurance policy?

When Should You Update Your Home Insurance Policy?

When and how often homeowners should update their home insurance policy is common and important. Structural changes to your home, renovations, or even changes in your family size are just a few factors that can affect your home insurance policy and coverage. Given these variables, it’s recommended that homeowners update and assess their home insurance plans every one to two years. Working with an agent who can help keep you and your home protected is vital as your needs change over time.

Home Insurance Solutions for Oklahoma City Homeowners

If you live in or around Oklahoma City, OK, and have questions or need home insurance, we’re here to help. Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment with our professional and experienced team at S & S Insurance Services Inc. for the protection your home needs and deserves today.

Home Insurance Tips for First-Time Homebuyers in Oklahoma City: What to Look For

As a first-time homebuyer in Oklahoma City, OK, finding the right home insurance policy is crucial for protecting your investment. Living in Oklahoma City comes with unique weather-related risks that need to be considered when insuring your property. At S & S Insurance Services Inc., we can help you find a home insurance policy that meets all your yearly needs.

Compare Coverage Types

When shopping for home insurance in Oklahoma City, it’s important to compare different types of coverage. Traditional policies typically cover foundational, structural, and internal damage. Depending on the specifics of your policy, they may also cover damage to personal property.

Windstorm and Tornado Damage

Oklahoma is known for its risk of natural disasters, such as windstorms and potentially life-threatening tornadoes. If you live in tornado alley, it’s critical to ensure your home insurance policy covers all areas of your home, including during wind, hail, and tornado storms.

Flood Insurance

Most standard home insurance policies do not include flood insurance. Even if you’re not located in a designated flood zone in Oklahoma City, it’s advisable to consider a policy add-on that protects against flash floods. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a good place to start when looking for flood insurance.

Finding the best home insurance policy as a first-time homebuyer in Oklahoma City, OK, is essential, especially if you want to protect your investment as much as possible. If you’re new to shopping for insurance or want to learn more about your options and add-ons for your home insurance policy, S & S Insurance Services Inc. can help. For more information on your home insurance options in Oklahoma City, OK, contact S & S Insurance Services Inc. today.

Why You Need Liability Protection in Your Home Insurance

Every homeowner needs to be protected with home insurance. It’s an essential type of policy, including many different kinds of coverage. It contains coverage that protects the dwelling, coverage that protects your possessions in the home, and coverage that protects you against liability. Many people don’t know they have liability coverage in their home policy, but it’s there in case it’s needed. If you need a home insurance policy or have questions about it, call us at S & S Insurance Services, Inc. in Oklahoma City, OK.

Accidents at Home

Your liability coverage in your home policy is there in case someone has an accident or gets injured. If someone from outside your household comes to your property and gets injured while there, you would be responsible for those injuries. You would have to pay for all of the bills that come from the person being injured. This can include their lost wages, legal costs, and medical bills. The high cost of medical bills alone is important to be protected against. When you have this coverage, it will pay for the costs for which you’re liable. 

Home Insurance Coverage

It’s important to ensure that your home insurance has enough of this coverage in case someone has a severe accident. If a person has serious injuries, paying for all the bills can be extremely expensive. The amount of liability coverage that you have should be enough to pay for serious injuries. Talk to us about your liability coverage and how much you need to be well-protected. 

Get Home Insurance 

When you need a home policy, contact us to find out more. Call us at S & S Insurance Services, Inc. in Oklahoma City, OK. 

What every new homeowner needs to know about home insurance

When the excitement of finding your new home wears off, you may well realize all the things you don’t know about homeownership. One of them may be your home insurance. In Oklahoma City, OK, our team at S & S Insurance Services Inc. offers personalized service – we can help answer any questions that you may have. 

Home insurance has exclusions

Home insurance covers lots of things, but it doesn’t cover everything. Like most insurance, it has exclusions. Some of the most common are:

  • Flooding from surface water
  • Earthquakes, mud or landslides, and sinkholes
  • Sewer backup
  • Wear and tear
  • Owner neglect
  • Termites
  • Mold 
  • Rodents

Deductibles apply to every claim

Home insurance is not like health insurance where you have a yearly deductible. You will pay the deductible that you choose on every claim that you have. Choose a deductible that you are comfortable paying. 

You have choices when choosing content coverage

Basically, there are two types of content coverage. You can choose from current value, which is what your items are worth today, taking depreciation into account, or replacement cost, which is what it costs today to replace an item. 

Some content has limits on coverage

Some of the things that you own are not unlimited in coverage. Jewelry, art, cash, coins, and antiques all have limits. You need to get an appraisal and a rider to get additional coverage that you may need. 

Your property is covered when you travel

If something is lost or stolen when you are away from home, it is covered by your home insurance even if it is in your car. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you are a resident of Oklahoma City, OK, or the surrounding area, contact our office at S & S Insurance Services Inc. with your questions and any home insurance needs you have. 

Why is home insurance a good option in Oklahoma?

Those living in the Oklahoma City, OK area will know that owning a home can be a good idea. When you shop for a home and purchase one, you also need to get the right insurance. A proper home insurance plan offers various advantages and forms of coverage, making it a good option for any property owner here. 

Cover Your Assets

A great reason for anyone in the state to have a home insurance plan is to ensure their assets are covered. A property owner will have many assets, including their dwelling and a range of personal belongings. Suppose you are a victim of fire, theft, vandalism, or other scenarios that result in a loss. In that case, you will benefit greatly by having home insurance, which will support repairing or replacing your dwelling or other assets. 

Comply with Obligations

Having home insurance can also ensure that you are able to comply with obligations. Many Arvada property owners are required to carry insurance. You likely have specific insurance requirements if you have a mortgage or live in a homeowners association. Not having this coverage can have repercussions; retaining the right coverage will keep you in good standing. 

We Are Here To Help

Oklahoma City, OK can be an excellent place to purchase a home. While there are benefits to owning a home in this area, you need the proper insurance, and our team at S & S Insurance Services Inc. can help. When you call our professionals at S & S Insurance Services Inc., you will get helpful, customized support that will ensure you select and build a plan that provides the proper support and coverage. 

Four steps to remember when you’re in the process of buying home insurance

Insuring your home in Oklahoma City, OK is essential. We can provide you with a home insurance policy at S & S Insurance Services Inc. 

There are numerous steps you need to go through to find the best insurance solution as a homeowner.

Here are four steps to remember when you’re in the process of buying home insurance:

Think about your deductible amount

The deductible amount on your policy is important. Be sure to choose a deductible amount that you’ll easily be able to pay when you need to file a claim.

Insurance providers generally give policyholders numerous deductible amount options for home insurance policies. Make sure you’re aware of the possibilities and choose deductible amounts that are ideal for your situation. 

Know the coverage amounts you want

You need to get adequate coverage to protect your assets. Being a homeowner can involve some financial risks, but buying home insurance can protect your assets. 

For complete financial protection, invest in enough liability coverage to cover the total value of all of your assets. 

Shop for quotes

Don’t buy home insurance before you’ve gotten quotes from a few providers. Shopping around and comparing offers is the best way to make sure that you’re getting a competitively-priced home insurance policy that meets your needs. 

Choose a policy

Once you get a few quotes, look them over in detail. Compare not only the premium costs but also the amount of coverage you’re being offered in each individual policy. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you are looking for a quote on an insurance policy for your home in Oklahoma City, OK we’re here to help. Get in touch with us at S & S Insurance Services Inc. for a home insurance policy quote. 

Four common misconceptions about home insurance

Homeowners need to be well informed so that they understand their home insurance needs. S & S Insurance Services Inc. can provide consumers with valuable information about home insurance in Oklahoma City, OK.

The following are four common misconceptions you should know about home insurance. 

Your home insurance policy will cover you for termite damage.

Termite damage can be costly, but it’s unfortunately not typically covered under a standard home insurance policy. You need to read the fine print on your policy before assuming that it will cover you for termite damage. 

Your home insurance will cover the full value of your destroyed belongings within your home.

Home insurance policies will only cover your belongings up to a certain amount. If you have a lot of especially valuable items in your home, your home insurance probably won’t cover you for their full value. 

Your home insurance will cover the full value of any stolen personal property.

Your home insurance policy will also be limited in terms of how much it compensates you for stolen items. Review your policy maximums to make sure that you can be fully covered for stolen property in your home. 

You are legally required to carry home insurance.

While it’s always best to have home insurance, it is not usually legally required. You should be required to carry home insurance if you have a mortgage on your property. However, this is a requirement of your lender and not of the state or federal government. 

Contact Us Today

Get in touch with us at S & S Insurance Services Inc. if you have questions about home insurance. We can provide you with a home insurance quote for your property in Oklahoma City, OK. 

Why you need a home inventory?

Owning a home comes with a certain amount of risk. The financial investments many people make in their home is the largest they will ever make. Even if you take the best possible care of your home, you can’t protect it from all the hazards that are out there. At S & S Insurance Services Inc. in Oklahoma City, OK, we are an independent insurance agency that allows us to provide our customers with more choices. 

Why do you need a home inventory?

When your home is damaged by a covered hazard, you will contact your carrier to file a claim. When what was lost in the damage is your content, you will need to provide the insurance company with a list of what they need to pay you for. After you have been through home damage, especially if it is catastrophic, you may find it very difficult to be able to sit down and try to remember all the things that you previously had in your home. 

How will you prove that you had a brand-new computer or a seven-year-old sofa? If you have a home inventory already prepared and stored in a safe location, it can provide all the information you need to file your claim. A good inventory will include all the items you own, organized by room and supplemented with photos, receipts, and serial numbers. The more information you have included in your inventory, the easier it will be to get insurance money from the carrier to replace these items. 

Making a home inventory takes time and is a lot of work, but the amount of stress and time that it can save if you ever need to use it, more than makes up for the initial work you need to do. 

Give Us A Call

Contact S & S Insurance Services Inc. in Oklahoma City, OK to discuss your home insurance coverage. 

Does homeowners insurance cover contractors working in your home?

S & S Insurance Services Inc. is proud to help residents living in the greater Oklahoma City, OK area with all of their insurance needs. If you have questions about homeowners insurance, we are here for you! Give us a call today and let’s discuss all of your insurance needs!

What you need to know before contractors get to work in your house

Protecting your home from damage and protecting your family from liability becomes even more important when you are about to start a major home renovation project. It’s important to make sure that you have the coverage you need before any work begins in your home.

If it’s been a while since you have carefully reviewed your policy, now is a perfect time to take it out and give it a close look. You will want to ensure that you have the liability protection you need as well as confirm that your current policy level will be sufficient to cover the increased value of your house once the project is complete.

Sometimes, it can be confusing and difficult to ascertain that your policy has the protection you need. This is when it’s a great time to turn to a local agent! They can answer any questions that you may have and address any concerns that you have about coverage. And, you will know that everything is in line before starting.  

We are here to answer all of your insurance questions!

Oklahoma City, OK area residents can count on the team at S & S Insurance Services Inc. for all of their insurance needs. If you are getting ready to start a major home improvement project, let’s make sure that you have the protection you need! Call or stop by today.

How Home Insurance Do I Need?

Most homeowners usually say it’s better to overpay insurance rather than underpay. At S & S Insurance Services Inc., we typically say that purchasing the right insurance is the best thing for your finances. While overpaying is much better than underpaying, buying too much insurance isn’t the best way to use your finances. With that in mind, let’s see the amount of home insurance sufficient for you.

Meet the lender requirements

The first step in ensuring you have enough home insurance is complying with the lender requirements. If you have a mortgage, the lender will want you to maintain insurance equivalent to or more than the mortgage balance. While meeting the lender requirements is fine, this shouldn’t be the only guide for the amount of coverage you need.

The amount of dwelling coverage needed.

How much can you afford to pay out-of-pocket when repairing or rebuilding your home? That should be your deductible. Now, regarding insuring your home, always opt for the “replacement cost value” instead of the “ actual cash value.” The replacement cost value ensures that you get the full value of your home were it to be built from scratch today. This means you incur little out-of-pocket costs if your building was totaled today.

What about liability coverage?

This is usually tricky because you never know the magnitude and time of the liability claims you will face. We typically advise homeowners to consider liability coverage between $300,000 and $500,000. However, if you are a high-net-worth individual, we recommend considering umbrella insurance or excess liability coverage.

Home insurance in Oklahoma City, OK.

Since we know figuring out your home insurance needs on your own can be challenging, we would like to partner with you to help you navigate the insurance world. Please contact S & S Insurance Services Inc. for more information. You can visit our Oklahoma City, OK offices to chat with one of our agents in person.


Partner Carriers

  • Allstate
  • American Modern
  • American Specialty
  • AmWins
  • Argenia
  • Attune
  • BackNine Insurance
  • Bristol West
  • CRC
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Geico Insurance
  • Graham-Rogers
  • Hagerty
  • IPFS
  • JimCor
  • Mercury
  • MetLife
  • MJ Kelly
  • National Real Estate Insurance Group
  • OGA
  • Orchid
  • Palomar
  • Progressive
  • Protective Life
  • Openly Insurance
  • RLI
  • Safeco
  • SES Insurance
  • Sun Life
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers
  • Union Mutual